Gift Rewards Voucher or $15 Free Play
Choose your gift from your printed voucher and your gift will be shipped right to your home! Earn 100 base points 8am to 8pm the day of the promotion to claim your Gift Rewards voucher from the kiosk. Choose from the many gift options available or you can choose $15 Free Play.
VIP Only: Swipe the kiosk to receive an additional $15 Free Play!
Click here to preview the available gifts.
To claim your gift, swipe your Lucky North® Rewards card at any promotional kiosk and choose either gift voucher or $15 Free Play. To redeem the gift, just scan the QR code or visit the website and enter the code on your voucher. When items are depleted, $15 Free Play will be awarded. Items are first come, first served, and may vary as advertised. Event subject to change or cancellation without notice. Typographical errors are subject to correction. See official rules at the Lucky North® Rewards desk.